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Hi All,

NEW AREA 4 LIAISON COMMITTEE MEMBER REQUIRED – nominations by Wednesday 19th April (in preparation for the meeting on Monday 24th April)

We would like to invite an additional committee member to join our Area 4 Liaison Committee team. We are currently a team of 7 as follows:

Margaret Smith – Chair
Nicky Green – Vice Chair
Mary Kay – Area 4 Liaison Rep
Denise Newsome – Secretary
Toni Tait – Treasurer
Lisa Fieldsend – Training
Georgina Ashton – Competitions

As you may well be aware we have lost some key people in the past few months who have dedicated a huge amount of their time to create a fantastic scoring team and provide times for all our Area 4 Qualifiers.
We are by far the largest Area and as an example of the huge amount of entries we receive, we had over 700 competitors entered for the ODE and the Summer Show last year. These 2x key competitions happen a month apart.
For one person to receive entries, changes and create timings for these 2x events on a volunteer basis is almost an impossible task. To this end, we are looking for someone to work closely with Georgina and joining the Area 4 committee, predominantly to receive all the entries and collate them so that Georgina can continue to provide the times for all competitions.
The person nominated will need to have good ICT skills and a sound working knowledge of MS Excel and ideally, MS Access too.
This person also needs to be willing to dedicate their time to some qualifiers on the actual day of the competition to help the team make these competitions run smoothly.

Can we ask you to go back to your clubs to see if anyone would be interested in this position and let Denise know by Wednesday 19th April your nomination(s).

Many thanks in advance,

Kind Regards,

Area 4 Chair